
take a moment


   All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Andrea Gentl all rights reserved


 Yesterday, of his own volition my son and his friend set up a lemonade stand to raise money for the earthquake victims of Japan. They made forty dollars. Now they are in the process of figuring out what organization to send it to. It was a very compassionate thing to do. I feel as though there has been so much trauma in their young lives, between 9/11, and cylclones and earthquakes and war. I worry about them. I travel quite a bit and this quake hit home especially hard for them as I was only ten days ago, speeding through the country side of Northern Japan on the bullet train. The terrain was peaceful and bucolic dotted with the occasional farmhouse with brilliant blue roofs. I keep going to the videos of the tsunami and watching as the water slowly consumes the landscape, swallowing those very same farmhouses.

It is important to take a moment to feel compassion for those across the sea. The tides can change at anytime. The world is not such a big place after all. Take a cue from two twelve year old boys and their lemonade stand. Even the smallest of gestures have heart and can make a difference.



three days in jaipur


FROM RAJASTHAN WITH LOVE-HAND BLOCK PRINTS from gentlandhyers photography on Vimeo.




We spent three days in Jaipur shooting this video for West Elm on the hand block printing process to introduce a new line of hand block printed quilts. It was my dream job. I will go to India anytime as it is just about my favorite place on earth.Rajasthan is a craft state in India. All kinds of exceptional hand work is done there and hand block printing barely scratches the surface.

Many of the factories as they are called are right in Jaipur, while others are in the nearby town of Saganeer. Factory is a word used in the loosest sense. The facility is usually an open three sided shed with natural light. The process from carving the intricate blocks to stamping the fabric is really quite extraordinary to see. In todays world where everything feels somewhat disposable, this process takes you back to the human hand and connects us to the person actually making it.It is an amazing art form.

If you were so inclined as to want to go to India and take a hand block printing workshop or an indigo dye workshop, such a thing does exist. there is a program called Wonderful Workshops that offers many interesting traditional craft classes in Jaipur.

You can’t visit without going to Anoki, an amazing home and textile shop. They specialize in many of the traditional Mugal prints. The Anoki shop has a lovely cafe and is the perfect place to grab a quick lunch.

If you decide to take a visit to the amber fort you must stop off at the Anoki museum for some tea and biscuits as it it just down the road from the fort. At the museum you can see a comprehensive history of the art of block printing as well as beautiful and historical fabric samples and articles of clothing.






far and away. the kingdom of bhutan

  All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Andrea Gentl all rights reserved

to see a full gallery of images of bhutan go to;


the sweet spot


  All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Andrea Gentl all rights reserved




A couple of years ago,we discovered a new cafe in our neighborhood, Oro Bakery Bar. We started frequenting it every morning as it was just on the way to our parking garage. Unfortunately, at the time I was off caffiene and they don't see the point of decaf. I did however, indulge in the amazing breakfast pastries. They are made fresh every morning and chances are if you arrive early, the chocolate croissants will still be warm! Dorina the owner, was trained at the French Culinary after a career in finance didn't quite satisfy her soul. Lucky for us she chose the right path!

One of the most unusual things about Oro is that it is a sweet cafe in the morning and then transitions to a bar in the evening. It is the perfect place to grab a glass of wine and a quick bite and finish it off with something sweet. Try the mango cheesecake if you are lucky enough to pass by when it is in season. While securing a foothold in a neighborhood full of cafes that attract millions of tourists, Oro still manages to feel like our own neighborhood secret. It is never crowded and always full of familiar faces. They have recently partnered in a new venture, Lafayette Espresso Bar and Marketplace between Broome and Grand Streets. It is a great place to get a sandwich on the go while in Soho. I recommend a green juice called the mood changer. If you live in the hood it helps to combat the bastions of tourists with a smile!


a little taste of summer




   All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Andrea Gentl all rights reserved

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