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paris breakfast.


Lost in Paris. Woke up this morning at Rue Martel in the shuttered dark room, left virtually untouched after my late arrival. I fell straight into bed and didn't move all night. 

This morning I opened the shutters and the light streamed in from the courtyard where marigold and geranium pots lined the ledge. Coffee was a priority. I dressed and walked up the somewhat familiar Rue de Faubourg St Denis until I came upon Chez Jeanette. 

After my coffee I wandered to Jules and  bought a baguette, jambon and some tomme. On the way home I spied these beautiful green plums and raw hazelnuts.

Breakfast day one:

green plums

tomme with raw hazelnuts

rhubarb yogurt

jambon buerre and baguette





Reader Comments (1)

Just happened on your blog a few weeks ago; absolutely stunning writing and photography, i'll enjoy reading as often as I can.

Especially loved this one : Paris Breakfast, as I recently bought some English Cobnuts to roast at home, amazing smell whilst cooking and tasted divine with some sea salt sprinkled on : http://homeateleven.tumblr.com/post/10476771366/an-autumnal-english-cobnut-tasting

12.22 | Unregistered CommenterEleven

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