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a new year

Hello friends...

It has been an interesting holiday season. I have enjoyed all your lovely posts and instagrams as of late. I was able to travel vicariously through you to some utterly gorgeous places. I have been enjoying being chill until the craziness starts again. I will soon be on the West Coast for work and the to India in early February! I have not been on instagram for the past couple weeks, as my iPhone blew out the window and down onto Broome Street in a crazy gust of wind that swirled and gushed through the loft. I know it sounds a bit like the dog ate my homework but it actually did happen. My phone was utterly vaporized. So I start today anew with my new phone totally clear of all old photos and debris. It was ninety percent backed up. What I lost I can live without and starting new and not importing anything to my new phone but my contacts feels right. I have been hunkering down and enjoying the stillness of the city these past winter days. It gave me some time to consolidate all my old straggler inspiration blogs that I started long ago. I have put everything together into one tumblr as a new place for inspiration. You can see it at www.sometimesidrift.tumblr.com. I am hoping to keep it updated as I am constantly overwhelmed by the amount of breathtaking photographs out there filling the cosmos. It is a site for the visual vagabond.

I leave you with the  sweetest wishes for the New Year. This year will be epic.

Shine brightly.



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Reader Comments (7)

What a mental image of your phone in flight. And what a photo. Here's to such brightness in the new year, and all the best for your travels.

12.31 | Unregistered CommenterTara

Happy New Year :) stunning image x

This was so beautifully written, such a lovely picture, and just, yes. Happy new year, safe travels, and please have a few dosas for me in India :).

12.31 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

Happy New Year, Andrea! Love your new tumblr--beautiful!

01.1 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Happy New Year! If you happen to stop by in SF on your West Coast trip, please do say hi. :D

Happy New Year to you. That photograph is stunning.

01.1 | Unregistered Commenternadia

This is a phenomenal photo.

01.8 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

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