time flies. jetlagged ramblings.

I have been swamped with work since getting back from Burma. I have had no time to write or shoot other than work! it is good to be busy but I look forward to making a good long post soon, hopefully this weekend upstate! Until then... here is a very jetlagged post. x
Well, it is 3am and I am thoroughly jet lagged upon our return from Burma. What better thing to do at 3am than make a rhubarb tart for breakfast for the babes and get back in the swing of Hungry Ghost? I went to the market at Union Square yesterday and it was absolutely brimming with spring veggies, flowers and herbs. Traveling is super inspiring but when It is for work it comes with some serious pressure. I was pretty happy to just roam the market and enjoy the city with no agenda. I picked up some Rhubarb and somewhere in the back of mind thought I might poach it or pickle it but now at this early morning hour a breakfast tart seems the right thing to do. I made one yesterday but it was not quite sweet enough so this is tart round two.
I think I will make a fiddlehead frittata as well. I found fiddleheads from Richard at Lucky Dog Farm at the Friday Market at Union Square. Lucky Dog has a farm upstate in our town and I love to buy from them on Fridays in Union Square. If you have never visited his stall, you must! This week he had plump Delaware county ramps, fiddleheads, asparagus, kale, Lucky Dog salad greens and more. You can check out an amazing photo essay on the farm via Delaware County photographer Rob Howard. His photo essay on the farm is both rugged and somewhat haunting. It makes you realize how hard these farmers work. Well, enough jetlagged ramblings for one morning. On to the tart!
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