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roasted radishes.

This is sort of a non recipe recipe...there is nothing much too it except that it tastes AMAZING!!


I was a little over zealous with the radish love at the market last week! I decided that before I buy another thing I absolutely have to use every last bit that is in my fridge… and let me tell you, there is some weird stuff in there!

Pineapple weed, strawberries, milkweed, radishes, daisy leaf, celery are only the tip of the iceberg!  It is time to get this situation under control. Last night, I made lentils and to jazz them up I roasted some radishes and celery to put on top with a little Greek yogurt! I cannot even tell you how good they were. I think roasted radishes are my new all time favorite thing to eat. One of my favorite slads in a chop salad of cerlery and radisk with celery leaf and lime. I love celery in any form, which is bizarre because as a kid, celery was that one thing next to onions, which caused me to sit at the table until the wee hours in a stalemate with the uneaten celery.

 You don't have to wait to top these on lentils, they are just as good alone! The other day when we were working on files I made some for an afternoon snack. They are super tasty and couldn't be easier... now on to that milkweed.


When I told my friend India about the radishes she mentioned Alana had made them with another favorite of ours... brocolli raab! For that recipe, click here and then spend a littel time perusing Alana's blog Eating From The Ground Up! I adore her blog and her writing! Check out her new book; The Homemade Pantry: 101 Foods You Can Stop Buying And Start Making.


Roasted Radishes


One bunch of radishes washed, trimmed and halved

Three stalks of celery with leaves (if you have it)

Generous toss of olive oil

Sea salt

Cracked black pepper



Cut the washed and trimmed radishes in half

Cut the washed celery in to one inch pieces

Place the celery and the radishes on a large baking sheet

Douse with a generous amount of olive oil

sprinkle with sea salt and fresh black pepper.

With two wooden spoons toss the radishes and the celery on the tray until they are evenly coated in the olive oil and salt and pepper.

preheat your oven to 500 degrees

Roast  the radishes and celery until just browned approx 10-12 minutes.

(Open the oven and toss the veggies around a couple time s during the cook time, to get all sides browned)






Reader Comments (2)

inspired idea! thank you :)

(ps - your lentil link is broken...)

06.18 | Unregistered CommenterA

Ooh, roasted radishes are one of my favorites! I haven't ever tried roasting celery, though--very interesting. I'll have to give it a try. :)

06.18 | Unregistered CommenterEileen

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