Entries in the wild unknown (2)


hungry ghost 2012 gift guide

click on any image to get link.


I have put together a list of a few of a few things that have caught my eye over the last few months! If you are anything like me you may have left your shopping to the last minute. The storm somehow threw the whole calendar off. Speaking of the storm, this is the time of the year to think of those in need. Many of our closest neighbors were and are still affected by the hurricane. Please remember them when you sit down to make your lists. Below is a link to an organization called Smallwater, dedicated to rebuilding the Rockaway’s and offering disaster relief. Take a moment to donate to your less fortunate New York neighbors or go on line here to find a list of other organizations providing continuing disaster relief.











 The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck / $40.00




Le Labo Cedre Candle / $70.00






Blackcreek Mercantile Cutting Boards 

Ranging in price from $100 to $225






Juniper Ridge Wildcrafted Inscence / $12.00





Vermont Qwick Lite Fire Starters /  $ 12.00 




 Gather Journal / $19.99




Upstate Silk Noil Kimono /  $216.00




 Blackcreek Mercantile Hand Carved Utensils/ Call for pricing.



 Michael Hemmer Knives Oregon/ $70.00




 Small Forest Axe. Gransfors Bruks. / $ 119.00



 Juniper Ridge Smudge Stick/ $7.99



 Nobel Handcrafted Maple Syrup/ $24.00




Mast Brothers Chocolate Bars/ $ 10.00






Gather Journal Shop Amethyst Crystal/ $ 35.00



Goat Milk Organic Super Cute Kids Clothing/ Prices vary look on line at Goat Milk or available at Warm in NYC.



Industry City Distillery Vodka. / $19.99 



 Santa Fe Stoneworks Lockback Knife / $55.00



 Faviken Cookbook/ 49.95


 Fool Magazine/ SEK 99.00



 Bluebird Pickling Crock Brooklyn Kitchen/ $31.95



Wild Gourmet Food CSA From Vermont Wild Gourmet Food/ TBD depending on plan




Saltie Cookbook / $25.00






Stitch and Hammer Denim Stripe and Leather Apron / $92.00




Herriot and Grace Beeswax Salve/ $18.00





Bellocq tea Atelier Hindu Holiday/ 70.00 






 Eric Bonnin Ceramics Dinner Plate/ $60.00 available at / www.ericbonninceramics.com or Warm NYC

An Everlasting Meal: Cookong With Economy And Grace /$15.00



For those who really want to indulge; Mauviel Copper Pots and Pans. / $ 140.00 to 740.00

Lastly, here is a list of great alternative food/gastro magazines from Saveur to feed your soul!





















flying fox apples and french apple cake

This cold weather and early snow calls for a little something special with the afternoon PG Tips. I have been hoarding Maggie’s beautiful heirloom apples but yesterday's weather prompted me to finally use them.

I was recently in Southwestern France for work and was inspired by the small town farmers markets. It is fairly easy to find a market there on any given day. My favorite was a biodynamic market that sold organic fruit, vegetables and grains. Whenever we are traveling for work, I make it a mission to seek out these little markets. You never know what you will find. I am always on the look out for local specialties like honey and sea salt or liquor to take back home. At one of the markets in France there was a woman selling a very simple French apple cake. It was a plain and unassuming cake that tasted of butter and apples and not a trace of cinnamon which I find  to be highly overused where apples are concerned. The weekend before the storm I ventured down to New Amsterdam Market. The wind was wild and the rain was just settling in, but faithful vendors were there nonetheless. Maggie of Flying Fox had the last of the season's apples along with some beautiful medlars and quince.

Yesterday, I found a recipe worthy of her gorgeous apples, a simple French apple cake by Dorie Greenspan via David Liebovitz’s blog that perfectly matches that simple cake from the French market. 

I made one substitution; instead of rum I used armagnac that I picked up in France.


This is a perfect cake for an afternoon tea or with a morning espresso. Come to think of it, it is just plain perfect anytime.



Marie-Hélène's Apple Cake

 recipe via David Liebovitz blog 

 Makes one 9-inch  cake

Adapted from Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan.



3/4 cup (110g) flour

3/4 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
4 large apples (a mix of varieties)
2 large eggs, at room temperature
3/4 cup (150g) sugar
3 tablespoons dark rum (I substituted armagnac)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
8 tablespoons (115g) butter, salted or unsalted, melted and cooled to room temperature

1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF (180ºC) and adjust the oven rack to the center of the oven.

2. Heavily butter an 8- or 9-inch (20-23cm) springform pan and place it on a baking sheet.

3. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.

4. Peel and core the apples, then dice them into 1-inch (3cm) pieces. ( use a mix of kinds. I used a mix of hierlooms)

5. In a large bowl, beat the eggs until foamy then whisk in the sugar, then rum and vanilla. Whisk in half of the flour mixture, then gently stir in half of the melted butter

6. Stir in the remaining flour mixture, then the rest of the butter.

7. Fold in the apple cubes until they’re well-coated with the batter and scrape them into the prepared cake pan and smooth the top a little with a spatula.

8. Bake the cake for 50 minute to 1 hour, or until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean. Let the cake cool for 5 minutes, then run a knife around the edge to loosen the cake from the pan and carefully remove the sides of the cake pan, making sure no apples are stuck to it.

Serving: Serve wedges of the cake just by itself, or with crème fraîche.

Storage: The cake will keep for up to three days covered. Since the top is very moist, it’s best to store it under a cake dome or overturned bowl.




Black Oxford, Old Maids Winter, D'arcy Spice and Hidden Rose... just a few of Maggie's beautiful hierlooms from The New Amsterdam Market.



The beautiful pink one is called Hidden Rose for it's surprising pink color.








 good butter makes the cake...



 juniper tea and a little peruse of the wild unknown tarot cards, so beautifully illustrated...