Entries in White Bears's Head (1)


where the wild things are no.3. the lovely mushrooms.


Les Hook and Nova Kim of Wild Gourmet Food are at The New Amsterdam Market almost  every last weekend of the month, barring hurricanes and other obstacles. Look on the New Amsterdam site for a list of weekly market vendors.

I visited their stall last Sunday and picked up some gorgeous mushrooms that they collected in Vermont where they live and work.

What to do with these beauties? I think I will sauté some in a cast iron skillet with butter, parsley and salt. I might roast some or perhaps if I am feeling really ambitious I will make a fresh pasta and a mushroom ragout. These mushrooms are begging for a Sunday get together.

If you are interested in wild mushrooms, you can find many varieties at local farmers markets or through local wildcrafters. Les and Nova do a wild CSA and Wild Mushroom Of The Month Club. You can check it out here.

 Red -Lobsters, White Bears's Head, White Matsutake, scented Coral, Hen of The Woods, Blue Albatrellus


White Matsutake/Tricholoma magnivelare, Hen of the Woods/Maitake/Grifola frondosa, white clusters, Snow Shrimp/Entaloma


 White Matsutake/Tricholoma magnivelare, white clusters, Snow Shrimp/Entaloma, Hen of the Woods/Maitake/Grifola frondosa

Snow Shrimp/Entaloma abortivum

Hen of the Woods/Maitake/Grifola frondosa

 Copyright © 2011 Andrea Gentl all rights reserved 

Props Kim Ficaro