
hand thrown. currently obsessed. cradle to grave.



 Lately, I have been obsessed with hand thrown ceramics. I search for them at junk shops and fleas. Every once in a while I come up with a beauty that was lovingly made in the 60's or 70's. It makes me happy to know that it has been used previously and has had a whole other life of it's own. I just returned from a trip to Amsterdam where I saw an old friend and we talked about the idea of "cradle to grave" which is essentially the life cycle of any given thing. In the case of our conversation, it related to products and social responsibility, this is something we think about a lot in our family. When we buy or consume we like to know that what we are buying is something of value and that it will live on beyond us and have that same sort of continuous life cycle. I feel this way about the ceramics of Kasper Würtz. They have a sense of purpose and a utilitarian beauty. Like most hand thrown pieces, Kasper"s ceramics carry the feeling of the maker. Each piece is unique like those one of a kinds I search for at the flea  market.

Here are a few photos of his gorgeous ceramics. I will post some of my other favorite makers in this section called currently obsessed in the next few weeks.


These ceramics are available from a shop in London. The below table is from Ochre and the base is cast of one piece of bronze. Styled by the beautiful and talented Angharad Bailey.








august. tomatoes.




It is August and you know what that means... tomatoes are out in full force by the bushel load!

The farmers market was bursting with every shape and size. Our little garden upstate is not too shabby either. It seems that hot spell was just what they needed. Delaware County has a ridiculously short growing season so when we get tomatoes we are ecstatic.

I am eating them every way I can. Last night I made a salad inspired by one I ate at the new restaurant Estela on East Houston Street in NYC. There is really no recipe here as I just kind of threw them together based on the flavors and ingredients I remembered from the dish.

This is what I put in mine.

Heirloom Tomatoes


Canary Melon

I added some fresh herbs and topped it with olive oil and chive blossom vinaigrette.

Hope you are inspired to make something with tomatoes too! When January comes you will be craving a real tomato. So what are you waiting for?

You can see the completed salad on instagram here

Check out the August issue of Bon Appétit Magazine for some great inspired tomato recipes












nepal. kathmandu valley.

Last spring we were sent by Condé Nast Traveler to cover the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal. Like the infamous power lines that clog the sky like massive bird nests, the valley is a place full of chaos. It is a wild and beautiful jumble of smoke, soot and ash, brilliant colors and absurdly beautiful faces. The challenge with this job was that we were on the ground for six days; this is a short amount of time in the scope of a travel job. We usually have more time but we only needed to cover three towns so it was booked as a short trip. Honestly we could have spent a month. There was a photograph around every corner and alleyway. We love shooting travel and are so thankful that Traveler continues to send us on such extraordinary adventures. We have been around the world for them and it feeds all of our other work. The things we see always provide new inspiration. Each time they send us, we get to reconnect to what initially drew us to photography. Shooting travel takes us back to photography as a personal experience. We are alone with our cameras in hand, we often split up (at the crack of dawn) and dash off to cover whatever we may find coming back together periodically to share what we have found. It becomes just us alone looking through the viewfinder... searching and searching and searching. Most days in New York we spend our time in the studio around a monitor collaborating with art directors and stylists. Travel assignments are different from this kind of collaboration in that they are a solitary adventure and that is what makes them unique. Our assistant is usually somewhere between the two of us keeping notes and staying organized which is no small feat when shooting reportage. There are moments when I am at a market foraging produce for a still life and I look up only to see my husband cantilevering off a roof somewhere above us. He is famous for hanging out of car windows or tying himself to the side of a truck. He will go to all lengths to get a shot. (Think MacGyver) There are of course moments on these assignments when we are side by side shooting the same portrait but for the most part we come back together to load cards and see how the story is shaping up. There is a bit of competition between us but it only fuels the process, in the end we don't remember who took what picture.

It is a collaboration of a different sort.

I wanted to share some out takes from Nepal. You can see the full story in the August issue Condé Nast Traveler.

Hope you enjoy, the chaotic frenzy. xx




















































gascony france. the butcher. the baker and the armagnac maker.


The inquisitive pig at Dominique Chapolard's farm in Gascony, France.


Magestic Sunflowern in Moncault, Gascony,France. 

 Amazing summer fruits from the local market in Laverdac, Gascony France.


 Peche de Vigne at the organic market in Agen, Gascony, France. I loved this farmers handwriting.


 Famed Armagnac maker Alexandre Ladevèze.


Charcuterie from Dominique Chapolard with local wild peaches.


Dominique Chapolard, the butcher and master of  charcuterie.

 Quiet town of Vianne, Gascony France.

 Laundry lines, Gascony, France.

 Cecile Berthollet, Baker. Gascony, France.

The Berthellots, who proudly call themselves paysans-boulangers, or "peasant bakers," grow 250 varieties of wheat on their farm for their home-baked bread.

 Felix King at Camont.

 Melons. Market Nerac.

   The most exquisite Chasselas grapes from the Laverdac market, Gascony, France.

Peeping through the keyhole at the church.

  Kate Hill's glorious pantry at Camont. Gascony, France.


Fields of Sunflowers in Montcault.


Last summer Condé Nast Traveler sent us to Gascony France to cover a food intensive story for their July 2013 food issue. I wanted to share a few of the photos we took for them. You can see a more extensive story at Condé Nast, both in the magazine and on the tablet. This story was dream to cover. We roamed the countryside with expatriate Kate Hill and her sister Stephanie  as our guides while they showed us an insiders view to Gascony. We photographed the butcher, the baker and the Armagnac maker and needless to say we ate and drank like kings. 

Kate runs a cooking school in Ste-Colombe-en-Bruihois  which she calls The Kitchen At Camont


Michael Ruhlman shares his picks






japanese pickles

Lush spring and summer produce is currently feeding my pickle obsession. I am dreaming pickles these days.

Lately I have been into exploring Japanese pickling techniques.

I have been delving into the recipes in Nancy Singlton Hachisu's book Japanese Farmhouse Food. Below are a few images from the current issue of Kinfolk Magazine







recipes to come.

Ceramics by the insanely talented Jessica Niello.

Knife available at  QUITOKEETO